Saturday, September 02, 2006

B.O. = B.A.D.

Seriously. What is the deal with people not wearing any stench masking substance on their bodies? In the last several days I have come in contact with at least a dozen people who smelled as if they just finished the Navy SEAL hell week training and didn't have time to shower. People who reek shouldn't be allowed out in public. I totally understand if I was over at the person's house and they just finished working in the yard, but when you are out shopping at high-priced clothing stores... Come on. I'm not even talking about the occasional person who has a perfume or cologne on that I dislike. I'm talking about the people who really just don't care to put anything on at all...even deodorant. Personally, I get an anxiety attack if I start to get the impression that I may stink even a little bit. I don't know how one goes around knowing that their very presence causes the very flies in the air to drop dead. Honestly, just get a $3 bottle of body spray from Walmart. Anything is better than B.O. Final Verdict: Just do it...smell good. No questions please.


Mair said...

i have recently come to the acquaintance of a woman who is an ex-commune dwelling hippy....she doesn't shave and also, aparently (by way of empirical observation), does not wear anything to mask her natural scent. Unpleasant.

Justin said...
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Justin said...

My musk reeks of testorone and the stench of male desire.

RJ said...

what does B.A.D stand for? Busted Accidental Dosage? Bothersome Aroma of Desire? Boring, Average Despot?